4-H Ambassadors
Lyon County 4-H Ambassadors is an elite group of teen leaders who help serve and promote Lyon County 4-H.
Lyon County is looking for 4-H members who are interested in becoming county 4-H Ambassadors. The Ambassadors represent and promote the 4-H program throughout our community. Some of the programs and events Ambassadors have assisted with in the past include the Petting Zoo, Day Camp, Friends of 4-H Picnic, after School programming, and the county fair.
The Ambassador Program is a large time commitment for 4-H’ers and their families. Please take time to carefully consider the time commitment to the program and other requirements before applying. Through the Ambassador program, we hope to offer teenage youth important leadership opportunities by developing their communication and marketing skills. To apply, applicants must be currently in 9th grade but no older than 11th grade. If selected, an Ambassador serves a two-year term beginning at the Achievement Celebration of the year applying. We plan to continue the Junior Ambassador role, which allows 4-Hers who are currently in 8th grade apply. This is a one-year term.
Applications and reference forms also are available at the Extension Office. They are due no later than October 2, 2023 (drop application in the black box on the west side of the building if after hours).
Once applications are reviewed, qualified applicants will be invited for a professional interview.
Lyon County 4-H Ambassadors meet monthly after 4-H Council on the first Monday of the month. A training and orientation program is also mandatory and is scheduled in January. If you are interested in being an Ambassador, please be sure to commit to participating in these meetings.
For more information, contact the Extension Office, at a 620-341-3220.